CSGO Stats App
CS:GO Statistics App
During my first year at NSCC, we had to create a client-side application for our final project in Client Side Programming. I decided to build a web app that allows users to access their in-game stats from Counter Strike Global Offensive by entering their Steam username or profile URL.
This application was built with HTML, CSS, SCSS, and Bootstrap. I used an API created by tracker.gg to get the user's statistics, and an API created by Valve to access their Steam user information. Because this application was a client only, I also had to set up a CORs proxy in order to access the data from the APIs from my application without running a server.
Try entering: ChristopherGeTRiGhTAlesund as a Steam profile URL to see how it works!
Due to the app using a CORS proxy on a free Heroku account, it can take a few seconds for the app to 'wake up' when it is first accessed.